Pacolet Stores and Commercial Establishments in the 1940's and 50's
The stores and other businesses in Pacolet have been constantly changing over the years. This part of the website is devoted to the business places that were in operation in Pacolet in the 1940's and 1950's. No attempt is being made to include the names or location of contemporary places. It is very likely that places have been left out or called by the wrong name. We welcome corrections and additions. The businesses located at Pacolet Mills, such as those in the Hall, are described elsewhere. For ease of description, the stores have been divided into the following areas. In some cases, there is additional information available about that business. In those cases, follow the link to read more. A map for each area is also included to more precisely show the business location.
Pacolet Station
1- Coleman’s Store
2 - Cotton Gin
3 - Brown’s Store 1
4 - Brown’s Store 2
5 - Western Auto
6 - Blackwell’s Gulf Station
7 - Jenkins and Gibson Esso Station
8 - Fred Jenkins Service Station
9 - Robinette Hardware
10 - Robinette’s Garage and Car Dealership
11 - Pacolet Grinding and Plating
12 - Spencer’s Filling Station
13 - Liz Lemonds Restaurant
14 - Minton's Garage
15 - ? Store across from High School
16 - Wilkins Filling Station
17 - Blacksmith Shop
18A - Hart's Drive -In
Central Pacolet
18B - Fleming Florist
19 - Veterans Dry Cleaner
20 - Claude Scales Cafe
21 - Grant’s Filling Station
22 - Nation's Used Car Lot
23 - Shorty Horn’s Filling Station
24 - Gene Reeves Ice Cream
25 - Washeteria
26 - ? Cafe
27 - Lee’s Service Station
28 - Eastman’s Dry Cleaning
29 - The Community Cash
30 - James Freeman's Service Station
31 - Jett's Shoe Shop
31A- Johnny Ray Osment's Barber Shop
32 - B.S. Thomas Grocery Store
33 - Kirby’s Service Station
34 - Jesse Glass Store
Adjacent to Pacolet Mills
35 - Norman Brown's Store and Dairy
36 - Bonner’s Store in Can Holler
37 - Guyton Barbershop in Can Holler
37A - "Fat" Gregory's Pool Room
38 - Brown’s Store
39 - Whitlock’s Store in Keg Town
40 - Kirby's Filling Station in Keg Town
41 - Spake’s Store - Gaffney Highway
42 - Store
43 - Blackwells Service Station
44 - Roland R. Brown's Store - Gaffney Highway
45 - Cotton Gin
46 - Baker's Store - Asbury Highway
47 - Vaughan’s Store - in Goucher on Gaffney Highway
This web site has been started as a public service to share the story of Pacolet.
See more information about my Pacolet connection at Gerald Teaster.