Photos at the Pool
The first of these photographs are used with the courtesy of Dorothy Paige Howell. Her Mom, Jessie Brown Paige, was the Girl Scout leader in Pacolet Mills for several years and took many of these photos of girl scout and other activities at the pool. The photos were probably made about 1955 or 1956.
Above and below, typical Sunday crowd in the summer. The Hall can be seen in the background, below.
A Swimming Lesson - Lindie Sullivan Wells is the instructor on the right and Mary Ann Wells Patrick is on the left with her back to camera.
Girl Scouts practicing a routine
More Practice.
More lessons with Lindie Sullivan Wells and Mary Ann Wells Patrick instructing
Another routine.
Individual swimming lesson with Lindie Sullivan Wells
Above and below - Girl Scouts.
The following photos have been furnished by Easter Steadings Fisher.
This is the boys swim team around 1958. Their coach, Perry "Bud" Teaster - my first cousin - is on the right end of the second row.
This is thought to be a photo taken during the opening ceremonies for the pool. The names of the folks in the pool are not known.
Unknown person doing a perfect swan dive off the high diving board.
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