Dr. Robert Dennis Hill
It is very difficult to explain to someone today what Dr. Hill meant to the people of Pacolet Mills and the surrounding area. He was present at the birth of many of us and our children. He was present at the bedside of many of our family members when they left this world. He was an institution and selfless when it came to treating his patients. He was absolutely the perfect model of what a physician could be. He made house calls and would see patients at his house long after his regular office hours. He had a wonderful sense of humor and could have a gruff manner when it was called for. His words of assurance were as valuable as the medicines he prescribed. The stories about Dr. Hill and the help he gave to the people of Pacolet would fill several books. The town and its people were blessed to have had him.
The following wonderful article in memory of Dr. Hill was printed in Volume II of The History of Pacolet in 1984. (This excellent Two Volume History was prepared by a citizens committee for the Pacolet Area Centennial with Mr. Willie Fleming as the chairman.)
Dr. Hill and his Clinic in 1929. The nurses shown are Miss Fuller, Miss Harmon and Miss Gaston. The three photos were furnished by Easter Steadings Fisher. Miss Fuller served as a nurse to the Pacolet Community for many years. Click on this link to read her story.
Mrs. Corrie Cook Fernandez was an indispensable assistant in Dr. Hill's office. She was a great source of comfort to apprehensive patients, especially little boys. Corrie, as she was known to everyone, started to work for Dr. Hill and his wife as a nurse to their children. Eventually, she became a Licensed Practical Nurse and worked for many years in Dr. Hill's office. She was born on Oct. 16, 1916 and died November 26, 1978. ( From Volume I of the History of Pacolet.)
This house, in front of the Hall, served as Dr. Hill's clinic and office for many years during the 1930's,40's, 50's and 60's. Before that, it was used as the Girl's Club.
Click on this link to see more photographs of Dr. Hill, his family and employees.
Click on this link to see additional newspaper clippings and photos added in January, 2019.
This web site has been started as a public service to share the story of Pacolet.