The Cannery at Pacolet High School
In the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s, a
great number of people around Pacolet still lived on
farms or had big gardens. It was very common for people
to preserve or can what they grew. For many people,
their canned goods were a big part of their diet
throughout the year.
There were two main methods of canning. The first, and
least used locally, was putting up the food in real
metal cans. This was complex and required special
machines to seal the metal tops on the cans. The most
common method was to put the food in glass jars and cook
and seal it properly.
In the 1930’s, the state of South Carolina had a program
to build canneries for people to use at their local high
school. One of these was built on the grounds of Pacolet
High School. The newspaper articles below are about the
Pacolet Cannery.
(From June 16, 1938)

The cannery itself was a simple, wooden frame
building covered on the top and sides by galvanized
steel sheeting. It was built behind the gymnasium and
beside the baseball field. Beside it, the county or
state had built a “Potato House”. As the name implies,
this was a place where potatoes could be stored up off
the ground in racks. In my memory, I never knew anyone
to actually use the building and store potatoes
That was not the case with the cannery. I had a
memorable, unforgettable encounter with the cannery
during my college days. I worked in the summer doing
maintenance with District 3. One summer, about 1956 or
1957, my job assignment was to work in the cannery. My
main responsibility was to keep the boiler running
properly. The boiler produced all of the hot water and
steam that was at the heart of the canning process.
Taking care of the boiler meant making sure that it was
given enough coal to keep the fire up and making sure
the water level in the steam drum was always at the
correct level. Keeping the water level correct was no
problem. That just required watching the water level
gage and opening and closing the water supply valve.
Putting in the coal was another matter. When the steam
pressure fell, you had to open the door to the fire box
and throw in a shovel of coal. You had to be up close
and personal with the boiler when adding coal. You can
just imagine doing this, in August, in Upstate South
Carolina when the temperature outside was 98 degrees and
the temperature in the cannery was already 110 degrees
before you opened the boiler door. Firing the boiler was
not a fun job.
Over time, less and less canning was done and the
cannery was finally torn down. One factor in this was
probably the spreading use of deep freezers and freezing
food rather than canning it.
This web site has
been started as a public service to share the story of