The Pacolet  Baseball Teams Over the Years

(Thanks to Don Camby for furnishing most of these photographs and identifying many of the players.)

The Pacolet Trojans about 1949. Back row from the left -"Tuffy" Phillips (Scorekeeper), James "Pee Wee" Lambert, Kansas "Shag" Goforth, Olin Hodge, James "Smokey" Mathis, Carl McSwain, Sam Hogan, T. E. Fleming. Front row, kneeling from left- Donnie Fowler, "Old Boy" or "Foot"  Tate, Raymond "Red" Ellison, Mauldin Pearson, Donnie "Moon" Seay, Curtis Randall. (Young boy peeping through between Tuffy and Pee Wee is Ray Ellison , Red's son.)

The 1919 team, shown above, was third in the Spartanburg Mill League with an 8-4 record.

A Pacolet team from an unknown year. On the back row, the mustached man in the middle is M.B. Lancaster. On the same row, the fourth from the right looks to be Tom Holt and the third from the right appears to be Bill Harrold. Others are not known.

The 1927 team, shown above, was third in the Spartanburg County League with a record of 8-4. Players are :
Back row ( left to right) - Lawrence Fleming; ? ; Willie Morgan; ? ; Jim Rice
Middle row (l- r) - Tobe Campbell; Monroe Teaster; Tom Holt; Paul "Pug' Guyton
Front row (l-r) - Foy Patrick ; Bo Teaster;  Bill Harrold ; M.B. Lancaster

The team shown above was the Easter Carolina League Champions in 1936. Team members are:
Front row (l-r) - Leory Pace; Claude Arnold; T.E. Fleming; Wilson Lee; Tobe Campbell; Albert "Rattler" Pace; "Cooter" Scott; Wilburn Clary. Back Row (l-r) - O'Neal Landrum; Horace "Windy" Henderson (Scorekeeper); Ed Clary; Tommy Jett; Lawrence Fleming; A.C. Phillips; Ernie "Cabbage Head" White ; Arthur Goforth; Lynwood McMakin; Raymond "Red" Ellison, M.W. Lancaster


The 1937 team above was photographed sitting on the Hall steps.

1939 Team - Photo Courtesy of Peter Metzke

The 1940 team had a 29-8 record.

The 1943 team was the Champion team of the Spartanburg County Baseball league with a record of 20-15.

The 1943 team. Not identified in the photo is James "Bill" Allen, third from the right in the back row.

The 1947 team was the Champion of the Eastern Carolina League with a 16-6 record.

The 1949 team that was the Champion of the Eastern Carolina League with a 26-15 record.

Photo taken about 1949. The Black Trojans were  the Champions of the Spartanburg County Colored League. 

August, 1953 - Photo furnished by Peter Metzke

This is a statement of expenses for the Pacolet Mills Trojans in 1948 furnished by Don Camby. Keep in mind that the minimum wage in 1948 was 40 cents an hour. The players share of $105.92 represented wages for about 264 hours or 6+ work weeks of 40 hours.

Both the black and the white teams played their home games at the town ballpark. Baseball games at the ballpark were also a part of the community July 4th celebrations. More photos of the July 4th activities can also be seen at Photo Album 7.
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See more information about my Pacolet connection at Gerald Teaster.