There was a dental office situated
on the lower floor of Dr. Hill’s clinic. I think that
this was established sometime after WWII, in the late
1940’s, but it could have been done before the War. Dr.
W. R. Clyburn was the dentist after the War and he had
been a dentist in the service. He set up his practice in
Pacolet in 1946. I remember going to him about
1948 for the extraction of two abscessed teeth. In the
1950’s, Dr. Clyburn also set up an office in downtown
Spartanburg in the Andrews Building. He kept office
visits at his old Pacolet Mills location on Wednesday
afternoons after that move. I am not sure how long he
was in practice. My last visit to him in the Andrews
Building was in the spring of 1956.
It has been almost impossible to find anything at all
about Dr. Clyburn. I could not even remember his last
name and am indebted to Lindie Sullivan Wells for
supplying that. Amelia Campbell McGaha also furnished
some information.
I invite you to please send me any information or photos
that you might have about Dr. Clyburn, or any other
Pacolet dentist, for the website. Dr. Clyburn provided a
very valuable and needed service to the Pacolet
community. It is a shame that he has been so forgotten.