Can Hollow

Can Hollow - There is confusion over how the name of this community is spelled. It is usually pronounced “Can Holler” as two words but it has been seen spelled as “Can Hollow”, “Canhollow”, “Canholler or Canhollar”.  I have never heard or seen why the community is called this - regardless of the spelling. It is located down in a valley on the road going out of Pacolet Mills. “Downtown Can Hollow” was basically at the intersection of  Walker Avenue  and Zion Church Road. It was just across the rail tracks for the Dummy line from the mill village. In the 1940’s there were several stores there. The biggest was Bonner’s General Store. Beside it was Paul "Pug" Guyton's barber Shop. Beside it was Dewey "Fat" Gregory's pool room. Across the road and backed up to the creek was “Unk” Gossett's store.  It was called “Unk” because he was Harold Petty’s uncle and he lived across the street from his store in the house with the Pettys.Today, Montgomery Avenue or Sutton Road has been rerouted away from most of what was considered Can Hollow. (Thanks to Don Camby for providing information on the businesses in Can Hollow.)

Gossett's Store that was located across the road from Bonner's Store 

Pug Guyton in his barber shop in Can Hollow

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See more information about my Pacolet connection at Gerald Teaster.